family rocks!!
Man is and always will be a social animal… man is an island….(hardy-har-har.. no hot piece of news there) but why cant man just be social with all those he meets without tying himself down to all these people around him??? Animals don’t do that, why does man have to?? Animals take care of their young until they can fend for themselves and then they just mind their own business.I’m twenty and my folks still fuss over me like I might feel the need for them to change my diapers all of a sudden or something. Why all of the fussing??? Why have a family.. I myself invested a large amount of energy into this question…..and very unsuccessfully at that. But let me tell u whatever the reason, whatever the calling is…. I’m glad. I’m glad I’ve got people I belong with. I’m glad that when I come back home after a long day, I have people there whom I can count on. As someone famous said ‘my home is not a place but people….’.Every family goes their share of up’s and down’s. We’ve had our share of them too……kinda large share of the down’s but whatever.(enough already all you destiny makers). But at the end of the day, or month, or year or whatever time frame that’s under consideration, no matter how many friends I have or how many times I run to them for help, it is my family that is my ultimate sheath of support. Why?? I think it might have something to do with the fact that (as Shakespeare said) ‘all the worlds a stage and all men and women but actors and actresses’ (at least that’s how I remember it!) we all play our roles and most of the times we wear masks (and you thought I really was olive oyl!!). but with family, that mask wears off, the makeup melts and gets smeared, the costumes, they slip off. The truth is seen. They see what you are at your worst, at your best. What the ‘naked’ truth is. They accept that truth…sometimes for the sheer lack of choice. They become part and parcel of your lives and you of theirs. So no matter how you are or what you do or how you feel about the issues affecting the world, they would want you to stay in their lives. They know instinctively how you feel. They see it in your eyes, know it from the tone of your voice, they feel it in your smile and your hug…..they just know. I love all my friends and often say that they are my immortality. But I’m so very glad mankind chose the ‘family way’ of life!!
As Dorothy said….
'theres no place like home..theres no place like home.....’
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