Of hearts that broke theirs and my own,
Of wars that were waged, vengeance sought,
Nothing gained from both,
Of bonds that formed and those that broke,

Of paths trodden and regret that followed,
Of hatred born and laid to rest,
Of tears shed and all those dried,
Of apologies and thanks some left unsaid,
Of forbidden fruit and those labour borne,
Of wonders these eyes behold,
Of numerous sunrises and sunsets,
Of falling over and rising from there,
Of laughter and light, sadness and fright,
Of songs known by heart forgotten with time,
Of gained knowledge sublime,
Of victories with losses and defeats with gain,
Of fear that gripped and caused much pain,
Of daring of spirit that did much the same,
Of illusions of a haven somewhere,
Caressed with tenderness everyday,
Of perforce that changed the best laid plans,
Of rhymes of the chaos in my heart,
Of these is the symphony being written still,
Then the next journey begins and when it will,
It will be given my heart and soul,
Until the journey ends…. story whole..
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