Tuesday, February 21, 2017

There's many a slip,

Between the lip,

And all the words that don't get said 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

It's two different worlds you know

One where you hide behind the door
Waiting to spook me and I spot you and it's lovely and funny and sexy
So you scoop me and your arms are clouds and I'm gliding and the world is beneath us and beyond us and it feels...  Feels like home

Two when you're there and I'm here and everything is measured and distilled and dialled back and toned down and distorted and inconvenient and there's voices and noises and I don't fit in the picture you're in...  Feels like a tomb

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Uncurl. Unfurl. Unwind.
Let go.

You used to know how to breathe,
Didn't you?

Why are you here again?
You chose your path, Made you bed
This isn't a trial, no one else need step into the box

You used to smile so easily
Remember that?

Why do you lips purse? Your thin mouth is flat-lining
There is that simple equation, the one to lift up those drooping corners
You lost that scrap of paper somewhere didn't you?

You had it figured out. You had it down to an art
I know you did.

Why are you unfriending the mirrors now? What truth are you afraid to see in them?
Why are your fingers so stiff? Has the rigor mortis set in?
Another dream too tight to let your blood circulate

You'd learnt to tread light, move fast, never stay still too long
And now, here you are lying flat on the ground
Insanity is making the same mistakes and hoping to not be broken