Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I drove by your house today,
I don't know why I did that,
I'm a sane woman, no really I am,
Yes I am, and yes, I did that

Nervousness electrifying, hair stood on end,
I remember another kind of electricity, a carnal flushed red,

Don't know what I hoped would happen,
Don't know if I wanted to catch sight of you,
Don't know if I wanted to be caught out instead,

Some excuse perhaps, to defend,
What you mean to me, what you meant,
What you will mean, when it's the end,
To scream and shout and un-relent,
To have a name for what we are,
To declare war, to uncleave the scars,
Or perhaps just to catch a glimpse,
Of pictures in the flesh, of the life behind the lens,

As is was, it was all for nothing,
No catching or getting caught,
No glimpsing, no screaming bouts,
A circuitous route to come up bare,
No one knew, not one cared,

I won't drive by your house again

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